K-HS™ Severe Duty Horizontal Pump
KETO K-HS™ Slurry Horizontal pump range is engineered with the latest hydraulic and wear technologies to cope with the most severe corrosive and abrasive slurry applications. K-HS™ pumps feature patented innovative designs that can significantly reduce the operational costs of slurry pumping.
Reliable operation is paramount, our pumps are cast from high quality heavy duty materials of construction to ensure long term wear resistance and great performance. With a range of genuine wet end parts and different material combinations the K-HS™ slurry pumps have the versatility to ensure the most appropriate pumping solution can be provided for any given application.
All K-HS™ spare parts are fully interchangeable with the most common slurry pump designs in the industry. Our high quality advanced KETO spare parts can be fitted into existing pumps to improve performance and extend service life.
- Range: 25 mm (1”) to 500 mm (18”)
- Flows to: 7,500m3/h (33,022 USgpm)
- Heads to: 100 m (328ft)
- Pressures to: 2,100 kPa (305 psi)
- Mineral processing
- Chemical processing
- Coal preparation
- Effluent handling
- Gravel & sand
- Modular design for ease of maintenance
- Heavy duty one piece frame base with lifting points for easy maintenance
- Standard ductile iron outer casings for higher working pressures and incorporating lifting points
- Standard or advanced K-IBA™ bearing assembly improves reliability to extend bearing life reduce lubrication costs
- Shaft sealing for increased reliability, stuffing box, expeller, K-ES™ elevated seal or K-ISS™ mechanical seal options available
- Standard or advanced K-HEE™ impeller design options available
- Allows ease of fitting multiple liner materials, including hard metal, thick section rubber or polyurethane
- Single piece sleeve for stuffing box sealing, lowers stock holding and maintenance
- Multi-purpose design allows for reduced inventory requirements and interchangeability
- Belt guards allows for ease of maintenance and inspection of belt condition
K-HS™ Series Coverage Chart